While all drivers understand that they should never get on the road while intoxicated, that’s only scratching the surface of the many dangerous things that drivers can stubbornly or even unwittingly do, causing danger to themselves and others. In this blog post, the towing service experts here at Berwick Towing & Transport will detail the four things that drivers should NEVER do.
Don’t Text and Drive
Drivers should never text and drive; in fact, a recent study indicated that a quarter of tall the car accidents were caused by texting and driving. Drivers that text while behind the wheel are 6 times more likely to get into an accident than even drunk drivers! Many phones have functions that disable texting while vehicles are driving – you should activate this function! Or leave the phone face down and silent while driving.
Driving while Intoxicated
This doesn’t just correspond to driving drunk , many drivers are getting into accidents while under the influence, mistakenly assuming it’s safer than driving drunk. This is not the case, and by driving while under the influence of this drug, you are putting yourself and your fellow motorists in grave danger!
Don’t Change Clothes While Driving
This should be obvious, but you’d be surprised. Even taking off or putting on a sweatshirt when driving is distracting enough to cause an accident in merely a couple seconds. If you must make a clothing adjustment, just pull over to the side of the road. You should always have your full focus on the road while you drive.
Don’t Drive When Drowsy
This is an often ignored rule for safe driving, but ignoring it can cause serious accidents. One of the worst car accidents in the history was caused by a bus driver who fell asleep behind the wheel and rear-ending a semi truck. Even if you’re not literally falling asleep, if you drive when drowsy or sleepy, your reflexes will be slowed down making your vehicle a serious danger to yourself and those around you. If you find yourself super drowsy, pull over and take a nap before you continue driving.
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27B William Rd
Berwick VIC 3806
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