Truck fleet managers have to ensure the safety and reliability of their commercial truck tires. There are always signs that reflect the need for tire replacement or retreading, and through regular visual inspection routines via the truck drivers, the symptoms can prevent unnecessary downtime or the need for roadside assistance.
What is the Age Limit for Commercial Truck Tires
Although there aren’t laws limiting the use of old truck tires, it is ideal to have them replaced once every 7 years. The main reason is the possibility of degradation of the tires, and the dangers of disintegrated tires. However, it is required by law that commercial truck drivers perform daily inspections on the truck tires.
Implementing heavy duty truck tires maintenance can make the tires last longer than 7 years. Typically these truck tires are designed for heavy loads and traveling for long distances, that is why the general warranty for tires is 7 years.
In addition to taking note of the age of the tires, truck drivers should also note the tread depth and mileage driven. These 2 indicators can also reflect the need for heavy duty tire replacement service.
Other Ways to Learn About Whether the Commercial Truck Tire is Expiring
The expiry of the commercial truck tire depends on several factors:
First is the type of tire that you have acquired. A quality tire will have longer tread life compared to a retread tire. However, without proper maintenance, even a high-quality tire will not last long. Maintenance is key to extending the lifespan of the tire.
Secondly, the tire pressure also determines the durability of the tires. With inadequate tire pressure, it can cause wear and tear as well as risk the tire to a blowout. The tread depth will go below-advised levels, and this will shorten the durability.
Lastly, the driving habits and patterns of the truck driver will have an impact on the tires. If the driver tends to speed or drive aggressively, the tires will be liable to higher wear and tear.
Other Points to Note
Another point to note is whether the tires are similar, or have the same weight balance. Having a pair of mismatched tires can also shorten the longevity of truck tires. The tires should have a similar diameter or circumference, if they are different or not similar, then the one with bigger circumference will sustain more damage to the sidewall. The tire with smaller circumference will have more tread damage.
Should the tires have a difference in tread depth, wear and tear can occur. The tire with high tread depth will wear off quickly as it tends to give way under the weight load. When the tires are not inflated evenly, there will be an imbalance, and the underinflated tire will suffer possible wear and tears.
Keep Check on Your Commercial Truck Tires
When the commercial truck tires are experiencing sidewall damage, uneven tread, or inflation differential, there is a need to fix these issues. Battling the effects of is simple. Use the same brand or type of tires with equal circumference and tread depth. You can check on the recommendations from manufacturers to see which are the best fit. In case there is need to pair different tires, make sure the differences between the height is no more than a quarter of an inch, the tread difference no more than one-eighth of an inch, and the circumference difference no more than three-quarters of an inch.
There is a range of tools and services catered to manage commercial truck tires. Safety can enhance through regular check-ups and maintenance. For dual assembly or mismatched tires, the truck managers and drivers have the responsibility to keep the safety in check.
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